Frequently Asked Questions

The website has grown enough now that it is not obvious to everyone where to find things on it.
We hope this page helps answer some of the more common questions. Most of the answers here just direct you to the right area of the website for further information.

If you have any other questions/suggestions for this page, please send them to .

Any other general questions about the club should go to .

  1. Competitions
  2. Other Club Activities
  3. Service Recognition Awards
  4. Membership
  5. Troubleshooting
  6. Miscellaneous



  1. How do I enter a club competition?
    Competitions –> About Competitions –> How To Enter
  2. How do I prepare and size my images for entry to a club competition?
    Competitions –> About Competitions –> How To Enter
  3. What are the assigned topics for the current year?
    Competitions –> Dates and Topics
  4. What is the difference between the Assigned and Pictorial Categories?
    Competitions –> About  Competitions –> Types of Competitions
    Competitions –> Competition Rules and Information –> Guidelines for Competition Categories
  5. What is a Photoessay?
    Competitions –> About  Competitions –> Types of Competitions
  6. Where can I see the results of a competition? For the winning images, look on the Gallery menu. We plan to keep two or three year’s worth of winning images visible. To see all images from the current year, and comment on them, you need to be logged in. Then go to
    Members Only –> All Competition Images. A text summary of the results is usually posted on the News page, and older ones may be viewed under the Competitions menu for the current year.
  7. Are there any general rules about image content in competitions? You need to be logged in. Then go to
    Competitions –> About  Competitions –> Policies Regarding Acceptable Images
  8. What other competitions can I enter?  See
    Competitions –> About  Competitions –> Types of Competitions  and also
    Events–>External Events of Interest

Service Recognition Awards

The club has instituted a recognition awards program. Awards will be based on members’ volunteer work for the club and the photo community on behalf of the club, as well as photographic participation and achievement. The emphasis will be on your volunteer work. Full details on Recognition Awards

Other Club Activities

  1. What is an Evaluation Group? Events –> Evaluation Groups
  2. How do I join an Evaluation Group? You need to be logged in. Then go to Members Only –> Information For Members / Joining and Evaluation Group
  3. When and where is the next Meeting? Events –> Meetings
  4. When and where is the next Field Trip? Events –> Field Trips
  5. When and where is the next Workshop? Events –> Workshops
  6. How do I join the club Discussion Group? You need to be logged in. Then go to Members Only –> Information For Members
  7. Where is the Tips and Tricks section? News and Resources –> Tips ‘N Tricks  2024-2025   Previous years:  Resources –> Tips ‘N Tricks Archives


  1.  When I log in, I still can’t see the “Members Only” menu and other private areas.  —  Try reloading the page. Your browser may not be refreshing it automatically.
  2. Some images do not display.   — If you are running an ad blocker, try disabling it, at least for